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Bonus on Konis: Spotlight on a Retiring Teacher

Bonus on Konis: Spotlight on a Retiring Teacher

Mr. Konis has taught for 20 years in the Social Studies department. Over the years, he has taught Skills, Global History, Economics, Senior Senate, AP US Government/Politics, and AP Macroeconomics. Here’s what he has to say about his career and his retirement.

What are you looking forward to in retirement?

Mr. Konis: Sleep, reading, tennis, travel, beach, writing, running, and loving life. I will also take on legal work.

What do you make of your years of teaching? 

Mr. Konis: In one word: privilege. I loved the kids, knowing that every day would be different, the joy of watching them grow over the years and, frankly, learning so much from both the kids and my colleagues. Last, the most underrated joy of the profession is the ability to be yourself once you close that classroom door, an opportunity – luxury – one is denied in most occupations.

What has been your favorite part of your career?

Mr. Konis: Being a teacher allowed me the single greatest joy in my life: quality time with my family. Priceless.

What do your plans for the future look like? Any bucket list items that you’re ready to check off?

Mr. Konis: A lot of travel is in the cards but, in particular, I want to take my family to Israel. I’ve spent a good amount of time there in the past and I just can’t wait to expose my wife and kids to such an incredible country and people.

Movie recommendations? 

Mr. Konis: So, so many. The Godfather I and II, The Sting, Good Will Hunting, The Pianist (the most realistic depiction of the Holocaust, not surprisingly made by someone who was there at the time), Casablanca, Dances With Wolves, Braveheart, Shawshank, Jaws and Gladiator – for starters!

Mr. Konis, thank you for dedicating so many years to teaching and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

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